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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Stamina-RX Reviews

(22 customer reviews)
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  1.  dangerous?
    It worked but it's now 12 hours later and I still feel sick: very rapid heart rate, nausea, chills, runny nose, insomnia, severe anxiety. DON'T TAKE THIS! It may be dangerous.
    Reviewer: Joey from Los Angeles on November 25, 2007

  1.  heart attack
    i bought a 2 tablet packet and found it has made my heart pump very rapidly every time i do something physical, it is not as easy to breath and i took the pill 5 days ago. i am quite worried about it. it is stressing my heart.
    Reviewer: JD from Montreal, QC on November 16, 2007

  1.  Impressive results, frightening side effects
    I see I am not the first to get these results. Like several others have written... I got a fantastic erection, but 30-45mins. after I took the tablets the side-effects kicked me in the ass. Uncontrollable heart-rate, blood-shot eyes, insanely dilated pupils, flush face, nausea (I vomited 2 times, once while taking my girlfriend back to her house on the side of the road)...definitely not worth it. DO NOT BUY THIS!
    Reviewer: Josh from Indiana on November 14, 2007

  1.  holy shit dont do it!!!
    made me very sick shivering,sweaty and throwing up hated it no way could i get a hardon after all that!!!
    Reviewer: sick of being sick guy from o.c ca. usa on October 20, 2007

  1.  caution
    about an hour after taking:flushed face,blood-red eyes,shakes,felt like i had to burp really bad but couldn't. thought i was having a heart attack
    Reviewer: woody from nc,usa on October 15, 2007

  1.  never
    since this product is not sold in my country i requested it from one of my friends, when he sent it to me i was so excited to use it but the result was horrible. I was dying, never use this product
    Reviewer: murat from turkey on October 10, 2007

  1.  Too dangerous!
    This product will give a seriously hard erection. However, the side effects are terrifying!...flushed face, chills interrupted by massive sweats, shaking all over, unable to focus. There's no way I could enjoy sex while in this state of mind. I'll never take this product again.
    Reviewer: Russell from Seattle, WA on August 22, 2007

    I took Stamina RX as a solution for not being able to sustain an erection. Well i recieved the results i wanted and in fact all i had to do was think of something sexual for a second and i got hard. THEN came the side effects. I woke up in the middle of the night, my heart was beating extremely fast and i couldnt get it to stop. My body was shivering and i couldnt get my hands to stop shaking. I had anxiety up the wazoo and the worst stomach discomfort and nausea i had in a long time. I have never in my life felt that way before and it scared the hell out of me. You will definitely get the erection results you want but at a huge price....i will NEVER take it again in fear that it might kill me.
    Reviewer: Mike from los angeles on July 21, 2007

  1.  Not as good as I thought
    I like many, felt the same side effects, head ache, my stomach inside felt like it was on fire for hours, I was shaking very anxiously, it gave me the runs over and over. I tried taking half a pills , but not much different effect. It did give me an ecrection , but the side effect were not worth it, I couldnt sleep at night. I tried the pills about 10 times, it is just not for me, Ill try something else
    Reviewer: Mike from Baltimore, MD USA on July 02, 2007

  1.  Uhhh
    Watch out for this product, contains things that are not mentioned on product label. Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is getting indicted for a whole slew of crimes. Research this company before you buy their pdocuts.
    Reviewer: Beware Hi-Tech from CA US on April 12, 2007

  1.  great product, I'm 62 but look like 20 in the sex dept.
    Works very well, at first a chill sensation but now no side-effects, and still works super!
    Reviewer: k deer from oregon on March 27, 2007

  1.  Take at your own risk....
    It's been 3 hours since I took a dosage. I've tried viagra, and also generic performance enhancement pils but this one really screwed me up. Flushed face, body temperature has been yo-yo rising and falling, anxiety, stomach discomfort and increased heart rate. Yeah, I was hard as a rock for an hour, but I was also wired, freezing and feverish within minutes of each other over and over for hours. Not exactly romantically conducive.
    Reviewer: Michael from Claymont, DE on February 03, 2007

  1.  EXCELLENT!!!
    This stuff really works. There are some side effects when you first start taking it, but they subside. Rock hard erections that last & orgasms galore! Some advice though: If you go out after taking this, wear underwear under loose fitting clothes, or you may get hard at the drop of a hat, & be walking around with a "tent"!
    Reviewer: Saturated Phat from Daytona Beach, Fla. on January 23, 2007

  1.  Did not work
    I got the 10 pill just to try,was costly at 15.00+ . I tried 1 did not work,I tried 2 did not work, in five days I took all 10 never got hard.I thank this is high price for something that is no better than aspirin.
    Reviewer: Larry from Owensboro Ky USA on January 12, 2007

  1.  It Works, But With Lousy Side-effects
    I experienced some of the same negative side-effects as other reviewers: Flushed face, bloodshot eyes, racing pulse, slight nausea. It Also seems to have a rather strong laxative effect shortly after taking it. Maybe it affects different body chemistries differently. It does give you a woody, but the side-effects don't make for a very romantic experience!
    Reviewer: Kevin from Southern California on December 19, 2006

  1.  Not worth the money
    i wouldnt buy a bottle for the first time I would try the 2 pack you can get at almost any gas station at the front desk. I have took it a couple times the first time I took 2, work like a charm 4 hrs hard action. Then I felt dizzy and sick for about 1 hr. Then I took 1, rock rock but really didn't last long. Good news is it didnt make me sick. I tried 2 worked so so then i got dizzy and sick again. I won't try it again, I beleive there is something better out there. But everyone is different side effects vary.
    Reviewer: Evans from virginia beach va on September 30, 2006

  1.  Only once
    I used this product only once, taking only one pill, and about 1 1/2 hrs after taking my whole face became flush feeling very hot, eyes became bloodshot, heart was racing like i was on speed, i was shaking and had a horrible headache. If you put those side effects to the side, i must say it def worked and was rock hard, but would never take it again due to the side effects that i experienced. Performance wise excellent, side effect wise miserable..
    Reviewer: T from NY on August 13, 2006

  1.  it's great!!!
    this is the best product for ed ever!
    Reviewer: rob from toronto, canada on June 26, 2006

  1.  Stamina Rx
    The one and ony time I took this product, I felt like I had take 10 caffiene pills. 20 minutes after taking it, my upper torso became flush and my eyes bloodshot. My hands were shaking like I was hopped up on caffiene. The headache that followed was another side effect. It felt like a mini hangover. If there were any positive effects to performance, I didn't experience them. Maybe my body and this supplement didn't jive, but I won't but it again.
    Reviewer: Greg from Atlanta, GA USA on March 24, 2006

  1.  Wasnt NEARLY as good as expected.
    So I got my Stamina-RX a little over a week ago. I was pretty scared to order a product considering I read many reviews both good and bad. I have tested this product a few times since I have gotten it, and I must say that I am not as pleased as I was hopeing to be. It kidna works but kinda doesnt, and does have some side effects. I felt a little dizzy shortly after taking the pills and after my girlfriend and I had completely finished I began to feel a little sick. Personally I would not reco. this product for anyone, I would definitely try something else.
    Reviewer: Thomas from SW, Georgia on March 22, 2006

  1.  very very pleased
    I tried Stamina Rx about three months ago for the first time. I just wanted to see if it works. I was amazed how it increased my erection strength and prolonged it. I was having difficulty getting hard and this is a prayer answered. My wife has been so satisfied. I can go so long taking 2 pills. It's awsome.`
    Reviewer: A.K. from Richmond, VA on January 24, 2006

  1.  Makes you harder and better
    I ordered Stamina-Rx for men. After receiving it I started taking one or two pills. Depending on how long I wanted it to last. I got great results from this product. I wanted to order more. But have just found out it's been discontinued. If there is anyway I can get more Please let me know. I would really like to order more. at least 2 bottles of Stamina-Rx. Thank you Robert Taylor
    Reviewer: Robert Taylor from LeMars, Iowa USA on February 23, 2004


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