Chitosan Information
With its ability to bind to fats in the bodys GI system, Chitosan can act as an effective fat blocker or fat trapper and prevent dietary fats from being absorbed by your body.
Chitosan IngredientsChitosan Plus
Chitosan Suggested UsageTake 1-2 capsules with 12 oz. of water before each meal, or as directed by a Healthcare professional. Not to exceed 6 capsules per pay. As with all weight loss regimens, be sure to maintain a well balanced diet, and to take plenty of fiber and water.
Chitosan Recommended Daily AllowanceChitosan - 1000mg**, Psyllium - 150mg**, Oat Bran - 150mg**, [** Not currently considered essential]
*These statements about
Chitosan have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Chitosan is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.