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Everything > Muscle Building > Ecdysterone > Pinnacle EcDyBol

Supplement Brand: Pinnacle
EcDyBol Information
1. Anyone who wants to build muscle and/or enhance athletic performance.
2. Any bodybuilder/athlete already using androgen supplements and/or creatine supplements and/or HGH secretagogues and/or protein to promote muscle growth.
3. Anyone who wants a supplement that will complement (rather than be redundant to) their currently athletic supplement stack.
4. Athletes who are avoiding androgen supplements (e.g., women), but still want to promote muscle growth.

The herb Rhaponticum carthamoides contains a substance called 20-Hydroxyecdysone, which helps to increase protein production at the cellular level, and in turn help build muscle tissue. As a matter of fact, research in Russia shows that this plant can significantly increase muscle mass, while decreasing body fat in athletes who used it while exercising. Research also shows that Rhaponticum extract is able to increase performance in athletes (i.e., work capacity, endurance, reduction of mental and physical fatigue). The beauty of Rhaponticum is that it works by a different mechanism than other bodybuilding supplements (such as androgens, creatine, HGH secretagogues, and protein), so it can by complementary to a athletic supplement stack, rather than redundant.

Standard Dose: As a dietary supplement, take one (1) capsule in the morning and one (1) capsule in the afternoon.
Optimum Dose: As a dietary supplement, take two (2) capsules in the morning and two (2) capsules in the afternoon.

Ecdybol contains 20-Hydroxyecdysone, which can help increase your bodys protein production at the cellular level, and in turn help build muscle tissue.
Ecdybol contains the herb Rhaponticum which, according to research in Russia, significantly increase muscle mass, while decreasing body fat in athletes who used it while exercising. You may be able to experience similar benefits.
Ecdybol contains the herb Rhaponticum which, according to research in Russia, increased work capacity, endurance, reduction of mental and physical fatigue in athletes. You may be able to experience similar benefits.
Ecdybol contains the herb Rhaponticum which works by a different mechanism than other bodybuilding supplements, so you can use it as a complement to your current stack without redundancy.


*These statements about EcDyBol have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. EcDyBol is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We've discontinued EcDyBol and we no longer have it in stock.

EcDyBol Reviews

Write a EcDyBol review and share your thoughts with fellow athletes.
  1.  Ecdybol is a powerful alternative to androgenic substances
    While taking 2 capsules of Ecdybol a day only on workout days, I was able to add approximately 25 lbs of muscle in 140 workout sessions. The only other supplement was a protein shake that contained low levels of creatine. I had a noticable increase in energy and endurance during the workouts from this product.
    Reviewer: Kenyon from Harrisburg, PA USA on June 22, 2004


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