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EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier

Everything > Fat Loss > Caffeine > AST EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier

Supplement Brand: AST
EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier
EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier Information
New EPH 833 is an "Ephedra-free" thermogenic intensifier that provides you with a powerful burst of energy for hard, intense training while at the same time enhancing metabolic function for increased fat burning effects.

The secret behind EPH 833's potent energizing and fat burning effects lies in its proprietary thermogenic intensifying formulation called TX-6+. TX-6+ is a precision combination of the green tea alkaloids - epigallocatechin gallate, L-phenylalanine, pure caffeine anhydrous, norsynephrine hydrochloride and theobromine hydrochloride. These natural but powerful energizers work synergistically to provide you with a kick of intensity unlike any other ephedra-free formula.

Intensity - Mental Focus - Energy

Training is just part of the equation. It's one thing to lift the weight and break a little sweat, but when you train with maximum intensity levels you set yourself up for maximum muscle growth. EPH 833 helps you train with greater intensity so you can extract the greatest results from your workouts.

Boost Metabolism

Everyone wants a lean muscular physique, but getting and staying lean is not an easy task. New EPH 833 helps you to get lean in three different ways.

EPH 833 increases training intensity and energy levels so you train harder and heavier for more muscle growth. More lean muscle mass increases your body's metabolic rate for greater fat burning 24 hours a day.

New EPH 833 helps to reduce food cravings so you take control of you diet instead of your diet taking control of you.

New EPH 833 is a Thermogenic Intensifier that boosts your metabolism for greater fat burning efficiency. Start revving up your workouts and your metabolism today with new "Ephedra-Free" EPH 833

EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier Suggested Usage
As a dietary supplement, take two EPH 833 capsules 45 minutes before your morning meal and two more EPH 833 capsules at mid-afternoon with 8 ounces of water. For extra energy, take two capsules with 8 ounces of water 45 minutes before your workout.

EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier Contains
Servings Per Container 50
Magnesium (as Magnesium Salicylate) 60mg TX-6+ 1460 mg (Green Tea Extract from Leaf v standardized for epigallocatechin gallate EGCG, L-Phenylalanine, Caffeine as caffeine anhydrous, Norsynephrine HCL, and Theobromine HCL)

EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier

*These statements about EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. EPH 833 Thermogenic Intensifier is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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