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Guggul Bolic

Everything > Fat Loss > Thyroid Regulators > Guggulsterones > Syntrax Guggul Bolic

Supplement Brand: Syntrax
Guggul Bolic
Guggul Bolic Information

Loose Weight Without Stimulents!

Guggulbolic is a highly unique formula designed to optimize the functioning of your metabolism as well as support low cholesterol levels. The high potency guggulsterones from our specially processed dark brown guggul extract strongly stimulates the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormones. This not only results in a healthier, more active thyroid, but also works to keep your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) at higher levels. With a high BMR, more calories are burned and more weight is lost. As a metabolic regulator, Guggulbolic also improves skin conditions by decreasing the number and size of blemishes. It provides your skin with specific nutrients so that it can be clear, soft, and healthy. Finally, Guggulbolic has the potent ability to support drastically lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levelsup to 30-and to inhibit platelet aggregation and clumping. Even better is the fact that Guggulbolic supports low levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and high levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. One bottle lasts between 1-1.5 months. Use Guggulbolic after ceasing Adipokinetix or MM4 usage. For a synergistic fat-loss effect, combine with one or more of Syntraxs other red label supplements.

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Guggul Bolic Ingredients

Guggul Bolic Suggested Usage
As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule three times daily. Can be combined with triax or adipokinetix for an increased synergistic effect.

Guggul Bolic

*These statements about Guggul Bolic have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Guggul Bolic is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We've discontinued Guggul Bolic and we no longer have it in stock.

Guggul Bolic Reviews

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  1.  What happened to it
    This was the good shit, what happened to it, I felt a subtle energy boost all day, increased endurance and I lost significant body fat while keeping muscle
    Reviewer: Bernardo from New York State on March 15, 2004


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