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Hard Fast

Everything > Muscle Building > Meal Replacement > Universal Nutrition Hard Fast

Supplement Brand: Universal Nutrition
Hard Fast
Hard Fast Information
To stand the test of time, a supplement has to be effective above all else. Few supplements have earned such a mark. Hard Fast has by consistently ranking among our top-selling sports supplements for over a decade. Over the years, Hard Fast evolved. It's still loaded with the most comprehensive checklist of ingredients you'll ever find in a single powder shake supplementover 90 active ingredients in all! With Hard Fast, you'll vitamins, minerals, anabolic factors, anti-catabolic factors, ergogenic (performance) aids, ATP enhancers, metabolic accelerators, thermogenics, lipotropics, lactic acid buffers and more. No wonder Hard Fast is still the #1 metabolically optimized shake available.
At the heart of Hard Fast is its highly bioavailable protein-carbohydrate matrix. As any strength athlete knows, protein intake is critical for growth. That's why each serving of Hard Fast provides 32g of the highest quality proteins availablea unique blend of whey protein rich in the lactalbumin fraction and pure egg white albumin.
In addition, Hard Fast contains 52g of medium to high glycemic index carbohydrates. This high performance blend provides quick-acting carbs for rapid glycogen synthesis you need after training and slower-acting carbs for sustained energy.
Numerous scientific studies have revealed that a protein-carb shake after training more efficiently replenishes lost glycogen stores than carbs alone. Glycogen is the main fuel source for strength training. Plus, protein kick starts protein synthesis which is so vital for the strength athlete looking to add lean mass. In essence, this protein-carb matrix makes Hard Fast an ideal meal replacement powder (MRP), pre-training shake and post-training shake.
Expected benefits from Hard Fast supplementation include:
Increase protein synthesis
Reduce protein breakdown
Increase strength & endurance
Enhanced muscle growth
Fat-free mass
Decrease fatigue

Hard Fast

*These statements about Hard Fast have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Hard Fast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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3.1 lbs.


Hard Fast Reviews

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  1.  Old school MRP
    Good MRP/Gainer which include much more ingredients than any other gainer and most of them disappeared in the last 10 years in the age of creatine and NO stuff
    Reviewer: Adi from Israel on January 07, 2008


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