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Everything > Muscle Building > Prohormones > 1-Testosterone > Biotest MAG-10

Supplement Brand: Biotest
MAG-10 Information

MAG-10 by Biotest is the creation of several scientists who've spent a total of two years to the project. Everyone involved agrees that MAG-10 is so advanced its hard to put in words. MAG-10 is going to rock your anabolic world. MAG-10 is a stack of 4-AD-EC and A1E, the premier Class I and Class-II androgens blended into a liquid carrier system that orally delivers nearly 100% of the active materials into the blood! Biotest has filed patents on both MAG-10 androgens 4-AD-EC and A1E. So unless Biotest licenses the MAG-10 androgens to other companies, it'll will be the only place you'll be able to get these massive muscled, nuclear weapons.

MAG-10 - the only, legal pro-steroid delivery system that:

Mag-10 delivers real steroid-like gains via the combination of A1E and 4-AD-EC, the premier Class I and Class-II androgens.
Mag-10 covers all the anabolic bases, achieving optimal muscle-mass gains. MAG-10 does it without DHT side effects or estrogen.
MAG-10 is 100% efficient at converting into active, anabolic compounds.
MAG-10 remains active for more than 24 hours from one single dose.
Provides is taken orally, thereby increasing absorption efficiency over and above any other compound available today (to the point of "no contest!").

As incredible as it sounds, we have every confidence that MAG-10 will enable you to add 20 lb of lean mass or more in only 8 weeks or less. MAG-10 will get you there legally, safely, and affordably.


*These statements about MAG-10 have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. MAG-10 is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We've discontinued MAG-10 and we no longer have it in stock.

MAG-10 Reviews

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  1.  Mag-10 is the shizzle
    I am just finishing up my first cycle of mag-10 and Ihave to say that this shit works like no other. I have taken only a few other supplements with minor results. Mag-10 has got me closer to my weight lifting goals. I will say that I have put on about 18 pounds in these 2 weeks, kinda scarey but I have not been doing any cardio either. I am going on a cutting routine starting tomorrow so we'll see how much of that weight was water and fat and how much muscle is underneath the little bit of chub I put on. Bottom line, give it a shot and dont waste your money taking it 2x's a day. I took it in the morning and I had major results. Dread Man
    Reviewer: Dread Man from PROVIDENCE, RI on March 13, 2004


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