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Everything > Fat Loss > Ephedra Free > Absolute Nutrition NoPHEDRA

Supplement Brand: Absolute Nutrition
NoPHEDRA Information
NoPHEDRA, Absolute Nutrition's revolutionary new formula is designed to burn fat without any of ephedra's unwanted side effects.

No jitters, nervousness, high blood pressure or insomnia.

NoPHEDRA is an extremely effective fat burning product without ephedra that really works! It combines powerful, but safe, energy and mood enhancers, appetite suppressants and a synergistic blend of potent fat loss agents.

NoPHEDRA provides a very powerful thermogenic and metabolic boosting effect for amazing long term results! If you have been searching for the answer to ephedra, a way to actually burn fat and get lean without ephedra, youve found it.

Technical Specs

Green Tea & Caffeine
The green tea extract may play a role in the control of body composition via the activation of thermogenesis and fat oxidation.(*1) Green Tea contains catechin-polyphenols and caffeine. The catechin-polyphenols inhibit the enzyme that tums off catecholamine activity.(*2) Catecholamines are responsible for the promotion of fat buming. The caffeine works to promote catecholamine production and also inhibit the enzyme phosphodiesterase. So this means caf-feine has the enhanced ability to burn fatty acids due to the catechinpolyphenols and can act as an inhibitor of the phosphodiesterase enzyme, which turns off fat burning.(*3).

Synephrine Citrus Aurantium (Advantra-Z ) is a Chinese fruit that contains several alkaloids with Synephrine being the prin-cipal compound. Synephrine is a related cousin of Ephedrine and according to its patent information, it does not act in the body as a stimulant. Synephrine is thought to only stimulate the beta 3 receptors, which control basal metabolic rate. This compound may provide the same fat burning, muscle sparing and appetite regulation as Ephedrine but with out any stimulant like side effects.(*4)

L-Tyrosine The amino acid L-tyrosine is converted to noradrenaline which is one of the catecholeamines released by caffeine.(*5,6) The L-tyrosine conversion to noradrenaline causes cat-echoleamine rejuvenation and prolongs caffeine effective-ness. L-tyrosine is an amino acid that has been shown to enhance the effects of other thermogenic agents.

Forskolin The newest ingredient to enter the fat loss arena is Forslean or the Aurvedic herbal Forskolin standardized at 20% Coleus forskohlii. Research shovvs oral forskolin to a potent stimulator of adenyl cyclase (*8) Adenyl Cyclase is the controlling agent of fatty acid beta-oxidation or to put it simply when this enzyme is produced it forces the body to burn fat for energy or fuel. If this herb is combined with any beta-agonist say like synephrine it causes a supercharged release of fatty acids to be utilized for ener-gy or fuel.

Flavanex-ER Flavanex-ER contains quercetin, naringin, and fisetin which are bioflavanoids found to extend the actions of caf-feine and synephrine like compounds. This prolonged action causes the caffeine and synephrine to work longer and thus promote greater thermogenesis and fat loss.(*9)

5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan has been shown to regu-late carbohydrate and food intake and thus promote fat loss. 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin. 5-HTP converts 5-HT or 5-hydroxytryptamine (Serotonin). Serotonin is thought to be one of the major hormones which regulates carbohydrate and food intake.(10,11) The HTP used is this product is of natural origin and is derived from the seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia.

1. Dulloo AG, et al.Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphe-nols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Dec;70(6):1040-5.
2. Dulloo AG, et al.Green tea and mermogenesis: interactions between catechinpolyphenols, caffeine and sympatheUc activity. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Feb;24(2):252-8.
3. Leblanc, J. Etal.1985. Enhanced metabolic response to caffeine in exercise-trained human subjects J Appl Physiol. Sep;59(3):p. 832-837. 4. Germano, C. 1998. Advantra: The natural way to lose weight safely Kensington Publishing. Ch.2;p. 39.
5.Hull, KM, Et al. Effects of L-tyrosine on mixed-acting sympathomimedc-induced pressor actions. Pharmacol Biochem Behav.1992 Dec;43(4):1047-52 6. Lehnert, H. Et al 1993. Amino acid control of neurotransmitter synthesis and release: physiological and clinical implications Psychother Psychosom.60(1):p. 18-32.
7.ace, PJ., Matheny, M. et al.1996. Thermogenesis in brown adipose tis-sue with age: post receptor activation by forskolin Pflugers Arch. Jan;431(3):388-394.
8.Fuhr U, et al Inhibitory effect of grapefruit juice and its bitter principal, naringenin, on CYP1A2 dependent metabolism of caffeine in man. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1993 Apr;35(4):431 -6. 10. Ceci F, et al.The effects of oral 5-hydroxytryptophan administration on feeding behavior in obese adult female subjects. J Neural Transm. 1989;76(2):109-17
11. Fickbohm DJ, et al. Localization and quanUfication of S-hydroxytryp-tophan and serotonin in the central nervous systems of Tritonia and Aplysia. J Comp Neurol. 2001 Aug 13;437(1):91-105


*These statements about NoPHEDRA have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. NoPHEDRA is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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