Orange Blast Information
Get a blast of quick energy without ephedrine or ma huang
All-natural formula
Grab a Blast of Orange or Fruit Punch energy before your workout, and feel the difference! Blast is a procosanoid-enriched energy drink that quickly and naturally boosts your energy level, alertness and ability to burn fat without the use of Ma Huang.
Directions: Dissolve one packet in water, and drink just prior to workout.
Ingredients: Mono-Poly-Saccaride, 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic Acid, Procosanoid, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, Fruit Solids, Sucralose
Orange Blast IngredientsMono-Poly-Saccharide, Fructose, 2-Hydroxy-1-2-3-Propanetricarboxylic Acid, Pro Cosanoid, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, Orange Solids, Calcium Phosphate, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Riboflavin
Orange Blast Suggested UsageDissolve 1 packet in 1/2 glass water. 1 packet per day. For extra "Boost", take one before you exercise and one after.
Orange Blast Recommended Daily AllowanceCalories - 68, Calories from Fat - 0, Total Fat - 0gm - 0%, Protein - 0gm - 9%, Total Carbohydrates - 17gm - 6%, Simple Sugars - 17gm, Sodium - 200mg - 8% [% Daily Value], [Percent Daily Values: Based on a 2000 Calorie diet]
Orange Blast ContainsPro Cosanoid
Orange Blast Does Not ContainArtificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Preservatives.
Orange Blast
*These statements about
Orange Blast have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Orange Blast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.