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Everything > Muscle Building > Prohormones > 4-Androstenediol > VPX Paradeca

Supplement Brand: VPX
Paradeca Information

Paradeca XS is a super-potent prohormone. Paradeca (with Androtriol) is a synthesized matrix of synergistic phytochemicals combined amidst powerful intrinsic prohormones. Paradeca XS ingredients are uniquely packaged with an oral syringe to provide exact dosages. Paradeca XS also features a multiple dose vial containing a liquid suspension of the prohormones and phytochemicals.

Paradeca's multi-layered phospholipids naturally break up, dispersing billions of prohormone and phytochemical molecules into your body. These substances in Paradeca potentially influence luteinizing action, increase receptor affinity, anti-aromatase activity, and also allow the intrinsic action of 19 Norandrostenediol, 4-androstenediol and ANDROTRIOL to occur. Additionally, this process allows for a high rate of conversion of the DIOLS and TRIOL to testosterone and nortestosterone (nandrolone).

Suggested Paradeca XS Usage:
In the morning, use the oral syringe to place 2cc(ml) of Pardeca between cheek and gums. Allow solution to remain in place approximately 5 minutes. Swallow Paradeca. Repeat this procedure 15 minutes before your workout. Repeat procedure before going to bed. This is a total of 6cc(ml) of Paradeca XS per day. Always wait at least 5 hours between each dose of Paradeca. DO NOT EXCEED 6 weeks of continous Paradeca use without a 4 week "off cycle".

Paradeca XS is available in 120cc and 240cc containers.


*These statements about Paradeca have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Paradeca is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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