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Phosphagen XT

Everything > Muscle Building > Creatine > EAS Phosphagen XT

Supplement Brand: EAS
Phosphagen XT

We've discontinued Phosphagen XT and we no longer have it in stock.

Phosphagen XT Reviews

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  1.  BEst creatine i tried so far
    i know its expensive but its worth it. The good things are that when u take it after your workout u look like superman LOL!!!!!! BUT the bad thing is that it will only last like an hour..which kinda sucks so that is why i gave it 4 stars. As far as strength and all that other crap eh.. i did get a little stronger but nothing to die for. PS: Dont waste your money on Cell tech carb control cause it does nothing!
    Reviewer: tk from PA on December 20, 2004

  1.  better than cell-tech
    i like this product and liked the results. i got very cut and gained a little mass. If you want speed and energy get this creatine.
    Reviewer: hashish from new york city on September 18, 2004

    GAINED 12 POUNDS IN A MONTH .......... THIS SUPPLEMENT WORKS............DOWNSIDE.............IT COST TOOOOO MUCH ...............
    Reviewer: ZEUS from PHILLy on September 07, 2004


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