(11 customer reviews) Write a 1-TU review and share your thoughts with fellow athletes.
Great stuff! Hard gainer here.. I gained 15lbs of
lean mass in 5 wks using this Vitargo
CGL and Lipo-6. Been off this stuff for
over a yr now and just started back on
it. I'm now taking it with NO Explode
and Lipo-6. Looking to gain another 15
lbs in 5 wks. BTW no side affects on
this products. Serious mass builder
here.. too bad its banned now :-(
Reviewer: Eday from Orlando FL on September 07, 2006
use cautiously 1 TU is a great mass builder. I used
many different supplements, and some
"other" things as well. Tu is as good
as any mild black market anabolic. Be
carefull though. It may sound panzi ish
to those hard steroid user who think
they know everything now, and wouldn't
even bother with something like tu. I
can tell you from experience, from using
just about everything you can imagine
over the years, any of this stuff can be
dangerous. Use it moderatly and consult
your doctor for regular check ups when
using anything of this nature to prevent
possible side effects. Overall, a great
product for strength and muscle gain!
Reviewer: x pumper from ct on December 13, 2005
buy it realy good the best
Reviewer: marts from canada on September 03, 2005
Wonder Drug I would have to say that by far this
suppliment surpasses anything in this
day and age. I went from a 100 pound
weakling, benching 125, to a 275 pound
monster benching 755 pounds. I can say
that this product is the best thing out
there and will forever be the best thing
to take.
Reviewer: Monsterous Dave from Chicago, IL USA on December 28, 2004
good product I'm on third week and so far i have
gained 7lbs and my bench haved increased
90lbs. looking to see more results in
the third week and so forth. Havent
noticed any sideffects yet works
bifferent for different people so try
your luck and see what you get... Thanks
Reviewer: Slo-Motion from Chattanooga,Tn. on December 12, 2004
serously this shits bad many people who use this are having
horrible side effects.Try mass builders
and creatines instead.hard work is worth
Reviewer: Johnny O'Brien from Manteca, California on December 02, 2004
Great stuff - stack with 4-AD. Just finished second 6-wk cycle. Great
gains in
strength/mass both times. Gains started
in 2nd week
of first cycle then at end of 3rd week
on second cycle.
Recommend stacking with 1@4-AD as
without it sex
drive reduced on first cycle without
Reviewer: Chris from USA on November 22, 2004
DONT DO IT dont take pills dude they shrink your
balls and give to girly tits ......i
gained power but side affects arent
worth it.......just stick to creatine
and protein
Reviewer: ANONYMOUS from california on November 13, 2004
get it now im a very hard gainer it takes me about
1 yr just
to gain 10 pounds with 1-tu i gained it
in one
month absolutely amazing , note to
mexico guy if
you take this product you must work out
modestly meaning dont kill youre self in
the gym
just 2 workouts a week will do the trick
you must
give youre muscles time to rebuild and
you must
also eat right ,proper nutrition is
alwase key.
Reviewer: tim from houston tx on August 09, 2004
I'm waiting I took 1-TU since 2 weeks ago and I
didn't see any change in my body (no
gain, no loose).... I'm going to
finish the cycle 4 weeks more, but I'm
Reviewer: Omar from Mexico on February 10, 2004
Extraordinary results with 1-TU I would definately be described as one
of your customers with extraordinary
resuslts. In two and a half weeks on 1
TU I have gained 17 lbs and increased
my bench by 70 lbs. I am extremely
happy with your product and soon will be
ordering more 1TU, and also Lipo 6. At
first I was skeptical, but now I brag
about your product all over the town.
Reviewer: Jason from Rochester, NY on January 16, 2004
Hard gainer here.. I gained 15lbs of lean mass in 5 wks using this Vitargo CGL and Lipo-6. Been off this stuff for over a yr now and just started back on it. I'm now taking it with NO Explode and Lipo-6. Looking to gain another 15 lbs in 5 wks. BTW no side affects on this products. Serious mass builder here.. too bad its banned now :-(