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Cytosport CytoGainer Reviews

(18 customer reviews)
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  1.  Best Nutriton Drink on The Market
    This stuff rocks! You get tons of protein and complex carbs. If you compare the branched chain amino acids(which is extremely important to building muscle) to other protein powders this stuff is through the roof. Also it contains a good amount of creatine and glutamin so you don't have to buy these supplements seperately which also saves you money. No crash, lots of energy, and I've never had a better tasting protein drink.
    Reviewer: Nate from Herkimer, NY USA on March 10, 2008

  1.  Great Taste Good Results
    I have been using cytogainer for 6 months. I have gone from 105 lbs to 135 lbs and work out 4 times a week. this does not have that gross sandy taste like other shakes and does not have the large clumps after mixing. i love cytogainer.
    Reviewer: Heidi from El Sobrante , CA on March 07, 2008

  1.  Not badd stuff
    These customer reviews are really helpful for those who know what they talkin bout,,have the people on here dont know shitt bout the supplements they review..but ive taken many other supplements but none compare to the all safe cytogainer,,i gained 10 pounds in a month of intese workout..this stuff does work
    Reviewer: Nickkk from Miami, FL on January 22, 2008

  1.  AC Evans is retarded
    Reviewer: AC Evans from FLorida, USA on April 20, 2006 you are an idiot. You said sucralose is another name for sucrose? Sucrose is table sugar, sucralose is splenda. Sucrose is C12H22O11, a naturally occurring dissacharide of glucose + fructose. Sucralose is C12H19Cl3O8. They are not in anyway the same. Learn your shit.
    Reviewer: JJ from CO on November 03, 2007

  1.  Sucralose
    First off to Evans, Sucrose and Sucralose are not the same thing. Sucralose is not harmful and there have been hundreds of studies to confirm this. I just hate when people don't know what they're talking about. Check out this website if you're still concerned: es/sucralosebroch.cfm
    Reviewer: Keith from sacramento, ca on October 06, 2007

  1.  It works!!! but...
    I always had trouble gaining weight, but with this product in one month i gained a good 10-15 pounds. The only problem I found with this is that after I stop using it, my weight quickly returned to it's previous state. This means that I didn't gain that much muscle, but instead it was probably some fat. I don't understand cuz I trained real hard in the gym. I am going to try it again for a few months to see if I can get better luck this time! The product didn't cause me any intestinal problems since it doesn't contain to much sugar. I really recommend it to anyone who has a little trouble putting on some extra pounds.
    Reviewer: Nicolas from Montreal, QC, Canada on June 14, 2007

  1.  Good product.
    I mix mine with a scoop of regular whey protein along with two scoops of Cytogainer. Tried and true product. And for those that brought up the cholesterol level being high, you need to get a clue. for cholesterol to be "high" you need to get to atleast a GRAM of cholesterol. 4 scoops has 100 MG which is a tenth of what is even close to being dangerous. Research your stuff before mouthing off, don't look like a moron. Other than that Cytogainer works well, totally safe and it tastes good.
    Reviewer: Albert from San Diego, CA on May 16, 2007

  1.  Best Tast Around
    I've been on Cytogainer for a little over a month now. I take creatine and amino acid in conjuction with it and workout daily. I noticed a huge increase in energy along with reps. I gained 5lbs of muscle. Take this 2 times per day. I dont follow the dosage recommendation on the back. Get a health physician to recommend how much you should take. I take 2 scoops in a water bottle full of milk. The taste is by far the best around and i look forward to drinking this everyday. Theres no big issue with gas and bloating but you will experience it the first week or 2 of taking it. If you stop taking this you will notice fatigue and tiredness especially in the gym. I ran out for a few days and just didnt have the energy i used too. Once i got back on it it was like i never stopped. Highlyy recommended
    Reviewer: Mike from Jersey on March 11, 2007

  1.  Stuff Works
    First, CytoGainer is great tasting. I have tried alot of products that claim they taste the best but they still taste like a typical protein drink. When I use this product my joints and muscles don't ache and I keep the muscle that I have worked so hard to obtain. I do suggest to mix with water because that will keep the calories down.
    Reviewer: John from Chicago,IL on February 15, 2007

  1.  This is the Best
    I bought Cytogainer 2 weeks ago, and have gain 8 pounds. My strength has gone up too. I currently take 2 shakes a day. Highly recomend!!
    Reviewer: Smitty from UT on January 12, 2007

  1.  Its good, but...
    It has just the right amount of the stuff your body needs. If you workout, you will see the results. It does have a lot of cholesterol, however. Be careful.
    Reviewer: David Tijerina from College Station, TX USA on January 02, 2007

  1.  Eddie "Engreido" Reid ( MMA Fighter )
    I must be the MOST skeptical person on the planet before i ever believed in a gainer actually working i would have believed in aliens! but i have been on cyto gainer for 2.5 months.. i worked out 5 days a week, and i gained 10 pounds of muscle! this stuff works.. dont believe.. spend 30 bucks on your first batch and just WITNESS RESULTS!
    Reviewer: Eddie from Canada on November 18, 2006

  1.  Great Stuff!
    Anybody who is a hard gainer can definitely gain from this product. I have tried all kinds of weight gainers, and they all taste like crap. This stuff tastes so good I look forward to drinking it. I gained 20 pounds solid muscle in about 2 months. Defintely well worth the cost!
    Reviewer: J Peezy from So Cal on November 17, 2006

  1.  its alright
    its not that great... too much cholesterol. It doesnt even last two weeks.
    Reviewer: Hans from Albuquerque, NM USA on November 17, 2006

  1.  Misinformation on this website
    At the bottom of the ingredients list for this product, it indicates this product doesn't contain any sucrose, fructose, or aspartame. However, upon receipt of this product, it dose contain sucralose, which is just another word for sucrose. Sucrose is a highly toxic, artificial man-made sweetener that anyone who is truly knowledgeable about nutrition knows to avoid. Stevia is a far safer alternative as far as a calorie-free sweetener, so there is no excuse for using sucralose save for ignorance or profit. The most frustrating thing is upon calling the company, they said cytogainer has had sucralose in it for a long time. This website is either extremely out of date or just deceptive in it's sales pitch.
    Reviewer: AC Evans from FLorida, USA on April 20, 2006

  1.  Great supplement
    This supplement is definitely worth every penny. Along with working out 4 days a week, I went from a measly 140 lbs to a bulky 175 lbs. Only other supplement that I have tried and can compare it to, would be GNC's whey protein. With their whey protein, it doesn't really retain the bulk, with my experience. And when I tried to match the amount of protein with the GNC's to the cytosport, by adding a few more scoops, it made me want to vomit while working out.
    Reviewer: Dee from San Diego, CA on June 28, 2005

  1.  Unbelievable
    Nothing compares to this stuff. For 30 yrs I have been underweight and regular gainers are too sugary and fattening. I would constantly get sick from my overall malnutrition despite my constant eating. Myself and everyone I know have put on a good 20lbs of muscle in the first 6 montsh alone on this stuff, and for the first time in my life I am not getting sick all the time or feeling frail anymore. This is NOT a paid ad. IM legit 100% ... i swear by this stuff like nothing else. You ahve to work out or you might get a little chubby on it, but ast long as you're even slightly active, you will be seroiusly impressed with the results.
    Reviewer: Kevin from San Diego, CA on May 09, 2005

  1.  Awsome product
    I've never tried anything like that. I'm preparing for a competition right now and this product keeps going after I take it for hours. The only thing that I can compare it is the Meacelean by VPX, but the difference in the price is huge. As far as value and performance this is the best product I have tried by far!
    Reviewer: Nick from Chicago, IL USA on July 07, 2004


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