Good site Hi! Excellent site, I really like your
I'll be back.
Reviewer: ohcsif from Moscow on April 24, 2007
Good site Hi! Excellent site, I really like your
I'll be back.
Reviewer: wrcdqo from Moscow on April 16, 2007
sick spirostim is sick. i lost 26 pounds in
14 days, and put 1/8th inch on my arms.
i recommend this product to people who
train hard and can diet just as hard
Reviewer: mark sosa from buffalo new york on October 18, 2004
why i love spirostim i absolutely love spirostim! i was a
size 14 before i started with spirostim.
i followed the directions very carefully
and by the end of week one, i was a size
8, and i dropped 20 pounds. i had never
seen my abs in my life. i saw every
muscle in my body. in fact, my model
agency told me to lose a little muscle!
i felt great! i would recommend this
product to someone who needs to lose
weight and get ripped who is in good
health. this product is awesome!
Reviewer: twyla saravia from springfield va usa on January 23, 2004
Hi! Excellent site, I really like your stuff. I'll be back.