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Thermo Hydroxadrine

Everything > Fat Loss > Ephedra > ANSI Thermo Hydroxadrine

Supplement Brand: ANSI
Thermo Hydroxadrine
Thermo Hydroxadrine Information
Thermo Hydroxadrine with ephedra combines all the proven ingredients from the two leading brands and combines them into one complete fat-burning supplement. Unlike Xenadrine, Thermo Hydroxadrine has Chromium and Garcinia Cambogia to help regulate your blood sugar and curb your appetite. It also has the diuretic action of Ginger Root that Hydroxycut lacks.

Note: California, Illinois & New York have banned Ephedra

Thermo Hydroxadrine

*These statements about Thermo Hydroxadrine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Thermo Hydroxadrine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We've discontinued Thermo Hydroxadrine and we no longer have it in stock.

Thermo Hydroxadrine Reviews

Write a Thermo Hydroxadrine review and share your thoughts with fellow athletes.
  1.  what happened?
    I had a couple of bottles but had discontinued use due to a prescribed medication. Didn't know about taking both and didn't want to ask the doc. I started taking again and love it. It works well but I'm almost out. Now what will I do? You all are about the government. If you don't overdo it like some pro athletes and others were doing, ephedra is just fine. It simply makes you think you have more energy but your body doesn't know when to stop. Then you have the problems.
    Reviewer: ns from Maine on March 01, 2007

  1.  Be Careful though
    This is a great product if you'd like to lose weight and are in good health. I honestly don't think that you should be running around on a treedmill or doing any type of a long workout. You have to be careful and pay attention to your body and learn when to slow down. Also, watch your mood swings :)
    Reviewer: Amanda from New Jersey on May 02, 2006

  1.  International complain
    What a pity you allowed your gov to ban this great thing. Used to byu from US even though live elsewhere. Very bad.....
    Reviewer: Marian from Slovak Republic/Slovakia on May 18, 2005

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