Triphetamine Information
TriPhetamine works ... it's amazing you'll get up in the morning with energy and you'll feel incredible!
Increase energy levels and fight fatigue
Increased alertness
Lose 300% more body weight
Burn 350% more calories
Control food cravings - especially sweets
Decrease and control your appetite
Eliminate water retention
Quick Fat Burning ... and weight loss
Who wants to burn fat ... as the body's preferential fuel
Want to lean up ... and stop those sagging body parts
Fit into the clothes ... you used to wear
Inhibit carb conversion to fat
Utilizing the latest scientific technology and formulated by a leading Pharmacologist, Tri-Phetamine is manufactured using the highest quality Pharmaceutical grade ingredients. Tri-Phetamine is the most advanced fat/weight loss protocol program available without a prescription. In fact, patients taking Tri-Phetamine for 30 days, lost 100% more body fat and 29% more body weight than patients taking a leading prescription diet product, with none of the harmful side effects often associated with prescription diet products. That's right! No fatigue, no jitters and no bad mood.
Pay Attention ... To The Messages Of Your Body
We would like to offer you the most powerful revolutionary - thermogenic metabolizing blend ... that will increase your lean muscle mass by enhancing your body's own muscle-building and fat-burning abilities ... and at the same time suppress your appetite! TriPhetamine is the newest treatment for obesity - on the market today! TriPhetamine has been clinically tested and proven effective in promoting - quick weight loss ... you can start feeling it work in only 45 minutes! Triphetamine works best when taken with our unique perfect meal replacement ... Vitrin ... it tastes like a blueberry smoothie! You can expect quick results ... with this unique combination.
TriPhetamine's unequaled formulation ...
promotes healthy and permanent weight loss ... while increasing your energy level and endurance.
Recent clinical studies have shown that this formula increased the rate of fat loss by up to 300% ... in just 2 weeks.
Free of side effects ... there is no nervousness or jittery side effects like other dietary supplements.
Sustained time-released capsules ... no more taking 6 to 8 pills per day.
With our sustained release capsules, you only take 4 per day. That's it! Start Now ... To Never Be Fat Again!
Guarana and Kola Nut ... give the feeling of quick burst energy.
Sida Cordifolia and DMAE ... give the feeling of long term energy!
The ideal ratio from clinical studies ... for the ephredine - caffeine stack is 10:1 ... and this is how we formulated ... TriPhetamine. The TriPhetamine stack has anti-catabolic properties ... so you don't lose precious muscle tissue - while dieting.
The Set-Point - Thermostat Principle ... Why Do I Have Too Much Fat? Don't blame yourself entirely ... that you are overweight. Fifty percent of our excess weight ... comes at the discretion - of your genes.
The Big Picture ... The Neurotransmitters and the Hypothalamus: Obesity researchers now recognize that body fat and obesity is not just a failure of will or behavior, nor is it just a disorder of body weight regulation. It is a chronic medical condition, like high blood pressure or diabetes. Obesity is a chronic medical condition that requires ... lifelong treatment. Getting older causes a big problem ... with your body's chief thermostat. In the obese person, body weight is just as carefully regulated as it is in non-obese persons, but regulation is controlled around an elevated set point or thermostat. In other words, this elevated thermostat - increases your appetite ... and causes you to have cravings! This pathological adaptation - in your body's thermostat starts in your mid-twenties! The hypothalamus (the master gland in the brain) ... is the body's weight control and maintenance thermostat. The hypothalamus - strongly influenced by genetics and extraordinarily difficult to alter -- is controlled by neurotransmitters that signal hunger or signal satisfaction with food. Only those individuals with exceptional willpower and the ability to tolerate discomfort are able to defeat ... this homeostatic mechanism - by reducing your daily caloric intake.
Adult body weight is very stable, increasing about a half a pound per year over your lifetime. This suggests that the homeostatic mechanism regulating weight ... is very strong. This thermostat is the balance point ... between various feedback loops regulating the amount of body fat - you have now. The vast majority of patients regain lost weight because ... they cannot defeat this strong weight-regulating mechanism. You are not out of control with your weight. But are under the very careful control - of the hypothalamus. It controls thyroid hormone, male and female hormones, the adrenal gland hormones and all the other hormones in the body. All of these controls involve a feedback circuit to let the hypothalamus ... know what is going on in your body.
There are many examples of this kind of feedback controls in the human body. The thyroid gland is controlled by the hypothalamus by a constant supply of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) sent out by the hypothalamus. When not enough thyroid hormone in the blood is detected, the hypothalamus increases the TSH and the thyroid gland releases more thyroid. When there is too much, the supply of TSH is turned down so the level of thyroid in the blood remains at the proper level.
The master control center of our eating habits ... is now known to be much more complicated than the simplistic outline in the diagram above. There is an elaborate set of neurotransmitters (a message carrying chemicals) ... to the brain. Researchers have identified - 41 such neurotransmitters with 13 being involved with eating behavior. That is 31% of the information carrying capacity - of the brain's neurotransmitter system ... that is devoted to controlling eating behavior. One neurotransmitter controls - when we start to eat, two determine the amount of protein we consume in a meal and two are devoted to carbohydrates and fats. Another tells us when to stop eating, one determines how quickly we eat our food and yet another - determines how long to go between eating events.
The hypothalamusea command center - dispatches these unique neurotransmitters to increase or decrease our eating behavior ... and this is a key component of this extraordinary ... feedback loop control.
As an example, the neurotransmitter serotonin - has long been implicated in eating disturbances. Serotonin has activities like this - when you eat starch it is converted to sugar, sugar stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, insulin raises brain levels of the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin, and serotonin regulates mood, producing a sense of well being. This is why ... overweight people tend to load up on carbohydrates - to elevate their mood. Other neurotransmitters, like epinephrine which come from ephedrine, work by potentiating the thermogenic effects of food, and thus increasing your metabolism ... which burns more calories. The ephedrine neurotransmitters have demonstrated significant appetite suppression action in placebo as well as - double-blind clinical trials. They also help you to burn fat preferentially for fuel ... instead of proteins and carbohydrates. Together these neurotransmitter ambassadors - work to change the chemical balance in the brain ... to decrease food intake and increase calorie burning to decrease body fat. They will also trigger a reduction of appetite and cause an increase in perceived fullness. Both serotonin and epinephrine are involved with the modulating of food intake and fat stores.
Timer's Happen ... Because It's In The Genes
Growing older - all by itself ... can raise our set-point thermostat and age can also work in combination with any of the above triggers. We know there are timers - in many parts of our genetic inheritance. Our hair color starts turning gray at a certain time. Our skin starts to wrinkle and sag in our 30's. We can't eat the same type of foods we used to and still maintain our body weight. We feel tired all the time ... and don't have any energy. After we are 30 to 40 years old ... our fat distribution on our bodies changes ... and the fat under the skin of our arms and legs moves to our abdomen. As we get older the connections between the hypothalamus and these neurotransmitters becomes less sensitive and accurate. It's like the wiring in your car ... you develop a short-circuiting of wires ... and fuses and bulbs don't work right.
To those people who say just push away from the table and exercise more I say they don't understand the problem at all. They don't know the feelings of HAVING to eat, whether you are hungry or not. To get them to understand ... ask them to notice that they are breathing without feeling any drive or emotion about breathing. It is under the hypothalamus control. You could then ask them to hold their breath (consciously deny themselves air) for one minute, then they would WANT to breathe. If they held their breath for two minutes, they would DESPERATELY WANT to breathe. At three minutes most people would be in a PANIC.
Where do these emotions come from? What is driving them to breathe? The emotions come from our breathing control center in the hypothalamus! We are being DRIVEN to breathe and the prompt being used are our emotions. They same can be said about being driven to overeat. We do not choose to be overweight, we are DRIVEN to overeat by a control center and mechanism that operates on the same level as the breathing control center. It is always there and always working ... night and day. Those of you, who have experienced both kinds of self-denial, air and food, can attest to how similar these feelings are. Being hungry and being driven to overeat can feel the same. My few slender friends are amazed when I explain this!
If you stop taking the controlling medicines then your weight control thermostat will begin to bring you back to the weight ... demanded by your inheritance. This is why weight starts creeping back ... not some personality problem.
It's Only Natural; Our Innate Response to Stress ...
Weight Gain is Linked to Stress
How Serious is ... Long-Term Stress ... Do You - Have A Cell Phone - Voice Mail - E-Mail - Or Pager?
In the October issue of Obesity Research, Swedish researchers reported that men whose excess pounds accumulate around the waist also tend to have changes in the activity of the HPA axis. The investigators think that these brain and hormone changes are the result of living with chronic stress.
In this day of cell phones, voice mail, pagers, and email ... it is almost impossible for anyone who tries to keep up ... not to feel pressured - a lot of the time. These new technologies have raised the general level of ... too much stress.
Humans were not made - to live under conditions of relentless stress, which many people have today. Under such conditions, many people will eat more and gain weight, but certain vulnerable people will have an abdominal distribution of the excess fat.
Many people, often rewarded themselves with food ... after a stressful day. You might say to yourself, I deserve ice cream.. Others, however, develop cravings for salt, fat, and other sugars to counteract tension. We usually blame such a response on psychology - after all, eating is one way we nurture ourselves. But there also may be a physiological reason. Let's call it .. the stew and chew response.
When we experience something stressful, our brain's release CRH, which puts the body on alert and sends it into fight or flight mode. As the body gears up for battle, the pupils dilate, thinking improves, and the lungs take in more oxygen. But something else happens as well: Our appetite is suppressed, and the digestive system shuts off temporarily. CRH also triggers the release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which help mobilize carbohydrate and fat for quick energy. When the immediate stress is over, the adrenaline dissipates, but the cortisol lingers to help bring the body back into balance. And one of the ways it gets things back to normal is to increase our appetites so we can replace the carbohydrate and fat we should have burned while fleeing or fighting.
When was the last time you responded to stress with such a bodily response? In today's modern world, this elegant survival mechanism may be an anachronism that causes the body to refuel ... when it doesn't need to.
Yet, it's not just quick, unsettling episodes that can prove problematic. Feeling stressed-out over a long period of time is fattening, too: Sustained stress keeps cortisol, that cursed hunger promoter, elevated and that keeps the appetite up. too.
And there's another factor as well. If stress and cortisol levels stay high ... so will insulin levels. Insulin takes extra calories your body doesn't need .. and puts them into fat cells. Making more of them ... and making them bigger!
Sex ... Not As Good
Stress can lead to diminished sexual desire and an inability to achieve orgasm. Men may experience erectile dysfunction; women may develop menstrual irregularities ... and stress may even affect fertility ... or libido in women.
Psychological Stressors
The typical victim of severe stress suffers loss of concentration at work and at home and may become inefficient and accident-prone. The hippocampus, which is where memory cells in the brain are produced and stored, is highly activated during the fight or flight response. Prolonged exposure to cortisol - the major stress hormone -- is now believed to actually damage brain cells in the hippocampus; damage may result from long term exposure. Although some memory loss occurs with age, stress may play an even more important role than simple aging. In one study older people with low stress hormone levels tested as well as younger people in cognitive tests; those with higher stress levels tested between 20% and 50% lower. If stress is chronic or extremely severe ... memory loss may become permanent.
Recommended Use:
First Week: Take 1 caplet before breakfast and 1 before lunch.
Second Week: Take 2 caplets before breakfast and 1 before lunch.
Third Week: Take 2 caplets before breakfast and 2 before lunch.
An additional caplet may be taken before exercise.
Do not exceed 5 caplets per day.
After 12 weeks of use, discontinue for two weeks.
It is also recommended that your last dose should be before 6:00 P.M.
Based on a 30 day protocol program, the amazing benefits of Tri-Phetamine may include:
convert fat to energy
supercharged metabolism
burn 350% more calories
decrease and control appetite
control food cravings
lose 29% more weight
burn 100% more fat
lose inches
increase energy
eliminate water retention
fight fatigue
preserve lean muscle
*These statements about
Triphetamine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Triphetamine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.