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Xenadrine Bars

Everything > Muscle Building > Bodybuilding Protein > Protein Bars > Cytodyne Xenadrine Bars

Supplement Brand: Cytodyne
Xenadrine Bars

We've discontinued Xenadrine Bars and we no longer have it in stock.

Xenadrine Bars Reviews

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  1.  Missing a great product
    I've never found a bar quite as good as this one. It was a great meal replacement and it wasn't hard to swallow. Why it was discontinued is still a mystery to me.
    Reviewer: Chas from Louisiana on June 12, 2007

  1.  Missing In Action
    I had tried many bars and pills before coming across the Xenadrine bars. The bars were chalky tasting and loaded with so many fillers, I couldn't stomach it. Pills made my heart rate feel as though I were on a see saw and the after taste was less desirable. Then I tried Xenadrine Bars, they not only taste great but I didn't have to stomach swallowing another pill. I did the bars for 3 months and went from a chunky 12 to an amazing 8. Then they were discontinued. I just want to know why when I finally found my miracle, it was snatched away.
    Reviewer: Brenda from Charlotte, NC on July 12, 2006


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